  How do you avoid appearing 'difficult' when declining to ?tell a recruiter your last salary?
  Answer by Michael Wolfe, startup founder
  People will rarely call you “difficult” because of what ?you say. It will more typically be because of how you say ?it. Are you sure you weren't defensive or combative? I ?hope you didn't say you “can't” reveal your salary. ?You are only choosing not to. It would have been better to ?say that you'd prefer not to, explain why, then ask the ?recruiter to help you work around the problem you perceive ?it will cause.
  人們很少會(huì)由于你說了什么而以為你“難相處”,更多時(shí)分是由于 你措辭的方法。你肯定沒有表示得進(jìn)攻心太重或太甚好斗?我愿望 你沒有說你“不克不及”泄漏之前的薪酬。你如許說只是選擇了避而不 談。更好的做法,是說你更愿望不說出之前的工資,然后說明一下 緣由,并懇求獵頭幫助處理你以為說出來能夠招致的成績。
  Have an honest and frank discussion. You could have been ?very specific about the salary range you are targeting, ?then engage the recruiter to help you get it (remember the ?more you get paid, the more they get paid, if they are ?contingent)。
  與對(duì)方坦誠地評(píng)論辯論一下這個(gè)成績。你對(duì)目的薪酬應(yīng)當(dāng)有十分明白的 請求,無妨請獵頭幫你完成目的(記住,假如對(duì)方是勝利后付費(fèi)的獵頭公司,你失掉的薪酬越高,他們便能賺得更多。)
  Also, remember that most recruiters (especially ?contingent) are hired guns: they don't represent the ?company well or have deep roots in the company. The hiring ?manager may not even know or like the recruiter, and the ?recruiter may be representing multiple companies at once. ?Don't worry that you've burned bridges unless the ?recruiter is in house and seems to have a relationship ?with the hiring manager. Be professional and get her on ?your side, but don't worry too much about her.
  此外,要記住大多半獵頭(特別是后付費(fèi)的獵頭公司)都是用人單 位外聘的專業(yè)人士:他們不克不及充沛代表用人單元,在用人單元外部 也沒有深層的關(guān)系。雇用司理能夠乃至都不曉得或許不愛好獵頭, 而獵頭也能夠同時(shí)期表了很多家公司。所以,別擔(dān)憂會(huì)斷了本人的 后路,除非雇用人員來自用人單元外部,而且與雇用司理有關(guān)系。 要表示的足夠?qū)I(yè),而且讓她站到你這一邊,但不要由于她而太甚 擔(dān)憂。
  I also have to say that using terminology like “play ball ” and “team player” makes me wonder how professional ?this recruiter is and whether she has much respect from ?the companies she works for. There are many good ?recruiters, and a qualified candidate has many options. If ?you are not comfortable with her, then jump.
  還需求闡明的一點(diǎn)是,運(yùn)用“協(xié)作”和“具有團(tuán)隊(duì)肉體的人”等術(shù) 語,讓我對(duì)這位獵頭的專業(yè)程度表現(xiàn)質(zhì)疑,我疑心她能否取得了自 己效勞的用人單元的足夠尊敬。好的獵頭有許多,而前提優(yōu)勝的求 職者也會(huì)有很多選擇。假如她讓你覺得不舒適,那就跳過她持續(xù)尋 找。
  Answer by Mary Carello, recruiter for Silicon Valley-based ?firm
  When it comes to the topic of compensation, I can give you ?one rule: clear and simple. The less energy (and amount of ?words) devoted to talking about money, the better.
  在議論薪酬話題時(shí),你只需求遵照一條準(zhǔn)繩:簡練清楚明了?;ㄔ谧h論 金錢上的精神(和話語)越少越好。
  I've had this conversation with hundreds (if not ?thousands) of people. The people who walked away with the ?biggest salaries and stayed in the most positive light did ?this:
  我已經(jīng)跟成百上千的人停止過相似對(duì)話。那些失掉豐富薪酬、表示 最為搶眼的人是這么做的:
  Never actually told me their salary. They let me know they ?did their research about the position and said what their ?expectations were for it, and left the door cracked open ?if the available salary was not in line with their ?numbers. An example: “My expectation is that this ?position will be paying around X amount, which, from my ?research, seems to be in line with industry standards for ?the role and is very close to my compensation now. If this ?is outside of what you or your client were thinking, I'm ?happy to have a conversation about it and regroup if it's ?a good opportunity.”
  歷來不泄漏他們的薪酬。他們讓我曉得,他們對(duì)這個(gè)職位做過查詢拜訪 ,通知我他們對(duì)這個(gè)任務(wù)的預(yù)期,假如公司給出的薪酬與他們的目 標(biāo)不符,他們也會(huì)留下一絲余地。例如:“我希冀這個(gè)職位能給我 的薪酬是X,依據(jù)我的查詢拜訪,這個(gè)金額也契合行業(yè)規(guī)范,而且十分 接近我今朝的薪酬。假如這超越了你或你的客戶的預(yù)期,我很情愿 人人坐下來談?wù)勥@個(gè)成績;假如時(shí)機(jī)的確不錯(cuò),我情愿從新調(diào)劑工 資預(yù)期?!?/span>
  Never said anything about their “target salary.” For ?some reason, it comes across as suspicious. It can be a ?giveaway that your pay now is far different than the ?number you just mentioned.
  沒有說任何與“目的薪酬”有關(guān)的話。因?yàn)槟承┚売?,這會(huì)讓人產(chǎn) 生疑心。這能夠表露出,你如今的工資與你提到的金額相差宏大。
  Never got into conversation about how/why they were ?underpaid if indeed they felt they were. This is like ?going down a rabbit hole; you're bound to say something ?that comes off negatively. Less is more. Try not to open ?Pandora's box – nobody needs to know you are underpaid ?or how undervalued you are or that your company is in ?financial trouble and recently asked you to take a pay ?cut. In fact, that's often private information, which if ?you read your employment agreement documents, can violate ?non-disclosure agreements you signed when you accepted ?your job.
  他們歷來不談判論本人若何和為什么薪酬過低,即使這是他們的真 實(shí)感觸感染。這就像失落進(jìn)兔子洞一樣;你必定會(huì)說出一些負(fù)面的話。少 等于多。萬萬不要翻開潘多拉魔盒——沒有人想要曉得你的薪酬過 低,或許你被低估了,或許你的公司正面對(duì)經(jīng)濟(jì)艱苦,比來請求你 承受降薪?,F(xiàn)實(shí)上,這些平日都是私密信息,假如你仔細(xì)讀過雇傭 協(xié)定的話,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),說這些話能夠違背了你在入職時(shí)簽訂的失密 協(xié)定。
  That brings me to the last point: It can be acceptable to ?say that you are unable to reveal salary information due ?to privacy agreements you signed with your company. If you 're really backed up against the fence, you can revert to ?this but only if you can do so tactfully. As Michael Wolfe ?mentioned above, it isn't what you say, it is how you say ?it. An example of what I wouldn't mind hearing: “I'd ?like to partner with you to explore this opportunity, but ?as it relates to salary, I'm a little limited with what I ?can share due to the non-disclosure agreements I signed ?when I first joined my company. The payment and bonus ?structures at my company is considered by them to be ?private/inside information, and they have asked us to keep ?that confidential. I know that can be a bit difficult on ?your side, so the total number that I would be expecting ?is X amount. If that's not possible for your client, we ?can have a conversation about what they were thinking, but ?that's close to what I make now and what I would consider ?for the new position. Just let me know if that is not ?possible.”
  這就是我要說的最初一點(diǎn):假如你說由于與公司簽訂了失密協(xié)定, 不克不及透漏工資信息,這是可以承受的。被逼無法的時(shí)分,你可以說 出這層次由,但要考究戰(zhàn)略。正如邁克爾?沃爾夫在后面所說的那 樣,癥結(jié)不在于你說什么,而在于你措辭的方法。例如,我不介懷 聽到求職者如許說:“我愿望能與你一同抓住此次時(shí)機(jī),但在薪酬 方面,我能分享的信息無限,由于我在參加這家公司的時(shí)分,簽訂 過失密協(xié)定。薪酬與獎(jiǎng)金構(gòu)造被公司視為公有/外部信息,公司要 求我們對(duì)此失密。我曉得這會(huì)給你形成必定的艱苦,所以我所等待 的薪資是X。假如你的客戶無法承受如許的前提,我們可以談?wù)勊?們的預(yù)期,但我提出的希冀薪資接近我今朝的工資程度,并且我認(rèn) 為這是新職位應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)竭_(dá)的薪資程度。假如你的客戶不克不及承受,請告 訴我?!?/span>
  On a positive note, it sounds like the recruiter you are ?working with is a permanent placement recruiter – she ?will get paid more if you get paid more, so it's in both ?of your interests to get a good salary you are happy with.
  積極的一面是,與你協(xié)作的獵頭似乎是臨時(shí)雇員雇用獵頭,你失掉 的薪酬越高,她賺得也就越多,所以,讓你失掉一個(gè)稱心的薪酬, 契合你們的配合好處。
  Answer by Rob McClinton, executive manager
  I've been on both sides of this question as a candidate ?and a hiring manager.
  As a candidate, I answer with my target compensation by ?saying “My total target comp is X amount. If I'm pressed ?for the exact amount for my current position, I'll answer ?with the knowledge that if I'm having the compensation ?conversation later things have obviously gone well. I can ?address any discrepancies between my target and their ?offer with a discussion of my value and ability to address ?their needs.
  作為求職者,在答復(fù)目的薪資成績時(shí),我會(huì)如許說:”我的總體目 標(biāo)薪酬是X。“假如對(duì)方詰問我今朝任務(wù)的詳細(xì)薪酬,我會(huì)依據(jù)經(jīng) 驗(yàn)如許答復(fù),假如稍后議論薪酬成績,工作會(huì)更順?biāo)?。我可以?jīng)過 通知對(duì)方我的價(jià)值和知足公司需求的才能,來處理目的薪酬與公司 開出的前提之間的差距。
  As a hiring manager I accept the total target comp answer ?without challenge. I respect if a candidate knows their ?number and can speak to what they're seeking. I know ?there is padding and I know what I'm willing to pay. If ?we want to make it work, we'll get there.
  作為雇用司理,我會(huì)毫不質(zhì)疑地承受求職者給出的總體目的薪酬答 案。假如求職者曉得他們的目的薪酬,而且給出了充沛的來由,我 就會(huì)尊敬他們的答復(fù)。我曉得個(gè)中一定有虛高的成分,我也曉得我 情愿領(lǐng)取的薪酬。只需單方有意殺青分歧,就可以殺青買賣。
  All of that said, I would coach any of my mentees to ?proceed with caution with any organization that places ?their value below their cost.
  固然說了這么多,但我會(huì)通知我指點(diǎn)的學(xué)員,假如有公司有意低估 他們的價(jià)值,對(duì)如許的公司必定要慎重選擇。
  Answer by Erin Wilson, recruiter
  As a recruiter, I ask every one of my candidates what ?their current compensation package includes. We cover ?exact base salary, benefit coverage, benefit contribution, ?bonus structure vs. actual bonus paid, vacation days, 401 ?K (matching or not and what level contribution, matching), ?whether or not you are able to work from home, and last ?but not least any other soft perks like free meals, onsite ?massages, commuter program, etc.
  作為獵頭,我會(huì)訊問每一位求職者今朝的薪資待遇包含哪些內(nèi)容。 我們會(huì)訊問詳細(xì)的根本工資、福利規(guī)模、福利供款、獎(jiǎng)金構(gòu)造與年 終獎(jiǎng)金、假期、401K方案(能否為對(duì)等繳費(fèi),假如是對(duì)等繳費(fèi),繳 費(fèi)比例是若干),你可否在家辦公,最初但異樣主要的是其他軟福 利,例如收費(fèi)用餐、辦公室按摩、通勤方案等。
  I feel it is important to have this information for a ?couple reasons. One, I hold myself accountable to knowing ?my candidates and truly understanding their current ?situation, as well as their current objective. As ?recruiters we understand everyone would like a raise when ?switching jobs, and as Michael Wolfe put it, the more you ?make the more we make as contingent recruiters. That said, ?each time I discuss compensation it is a new conversation ?including that company's budget, the business need, ?candidate's current salary, candidate's salary ?expectation, the value a candidate proposes by joining the ?team, and how well the interviews themselves go.
  我以為理解這些信息十分主要,有兩個(gè)緣由。起首,我有義務(wù)理解 我的求職者,真實(shí)理解他們的近況,以及他們以后的目的。作為獵頭,我們清晰一切人在跳槽的時(shí)分都愿望進(jìn)步薪資,而正如邁克爾 ?沃爾夫所說,求職者失掉的薪酬越多,作為勝利后付費(fèi)的獵頭公司,我們賺得也就越多。雖然如斯,每次薪酬評(píng)論辯論都是一次全新的 對(duì)話,個(gè)中包含公司的預(yù)算、營業(yè)需求、求職者今朝的工資、求職 者的預(yù)期薪酬、求職者參加團(tuán)隊(duì)可以帶來的價(jià)值,以及面試的停頓 狀況。
  I've rarely had a candidate elect not to give me that ?information, as they understand it is to help them in the ?end. In very rare instances, I felt a grand sense of ?reluctance and in those cases I did the best to explain ?why it would limit my ability to represent them. At the ?end of the day, it is your job search and you should feel ?as comfortable as possible in what can already prove to be ?a frustrating, irrational, unfair, process.
  我很少碰到回絕向我供給信息的求職者,由于他們清晰,這最終對(duì) 他們無益。偶然會(huì)有求職者表示出一絲猶疑。在這種狀況下,我會(huì) 盡量向?qū)Ψ秸f明,不理解這些信息,將會(huì)限制我代表他們的才能。 歸根結(jié)底是你在找任務(wù),固然求職進(jìn)程會(huì)令人懊喪、不合理、不公 平,但你也應(yīng)當(dāng)盡能夠讓本人舒適一點(diǎn)。
  Hiring managers are bombarded with phone calls all day ?long. Not just from recruiters, but every possible sales ?call, vendor and service provider you can think of. It is ?up to the individual calling to quickly showcase skills, ?add value and build credibility. If I do not know exact ?data points on my candidates, someone I've met face to ?face with and say I am representing, that is embarrassing. ?Instead, with the knowledge we can be confident, fact- based, logical solution providers for candidates and ?clients alike, and come from a position of strength.
  雇用司理天天要接有數(shù)的德律風(fēng)。既有來自獵頭的德律風(fēng),也有傾銷電 話、供給商和效勞供給商的德律風(fēng)等等。這種德律風(fēng)溝通能敏捷展現(xiàn)求 職者技藝,添加求職者團(tuán)體價(jià)值,并樹立信用。假如我與求職者見 過面,對(duì)方也表現(xiàn)讓我作為其代表,但我卻不曉得求職者的精確數(shù) 據(jù),這會(huì)令人覺得困頓。相反,假如理解了相干的信息,我們便能 十分自負(fù)地為求職者和客戶供給基于現(xiàn)實(shí)的、契合邏輯的處理計(jì)劃 ,從強(qiáng)無力的立場動(dòng)身介入到求職進(jìn)程傍邊。
  Lastly, if the way that situation was handled was to tell ?you ”you're being difficult“ or I need that to ”play ?ball“ then I'd say the recruiter has some work to do. It ?is our job as recruiters to be the best communicator in ?the hiring process. There is a necessity to articulate our ?thoughts, and reasoning, to candidates and clients alike ?on behalf of another human being.
  最初,假如獵頭處置這種狀況的辦法,是對(duì)你說”你很難相處“或 者,我需求”協(xié)作“,那我以為這位獵頭生怕不太及格。獵頭的工 作就是做雇用進(jìn)程中的最佳溝通者。我們必需代表求職者和客戶向 對(duì)方明白表達(dá)我們的設(shè)法主意和來由。
  General rule with recruiters: If the recruiter cannot ?provide you with logic-based reasons on why they need a ?piece of information, it is probably not in your best ?interest to disclose it.
  湊合獵頭的根本規(guī)矩:假如獵頭需求某條信息,卻無法為你供給合 乎邏輯的來由,那么對(duì)你來說,披露這條信息或許不是最有利的做 法。
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